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View Full Version : Conditional Formatting If cell equal to ... format the whole row or column

11-30-2012, 06:05 PM

I need 2 conditional formatting rules:

1. if 1 cell value in row is let's say "xyz" format the whole cells in the row to be red (the text)

2. if 1 cell value in a column is "xyz" format the whole cells in the column to pe green (the cell fill).

Thank you very much

Simon Lloyd
11-30-2012, 07:20 PM
Just select the whole row or column and apply your condition Like =countif(A1,"xyz")>0

12-01-2012, 04:31 PM
Thx Simon but is not working, maybe i'm doing something wrong.

I've attached a file with an example.

I want the rows that have "Demis" in colomn C to automatically format as red text and the colums that have "Sam" and "Dum" to have the cell filled with any color (for example colum H has "Sam" in H3 and i want the cells filled from H3 to H283).

Thank you

12-01-2012, 05:50 PM
see attached

Simon Lloyd
12-01-2012, 05:59 PM
Here's Demis and Sam sorted, you can work out how to do Dum :)