12-01-2012, 01:09 PM
I want to begin using the IRibbonUI and IRibbonControl objects but I do not know how to get started.
I was thinking maybe something like
Dim theRibbon as IRibbonUI
set theRibbon=activedocument.Ribbon
set theRibbon=application.Ribbon
I know that that does not exist, but how do I set the ribbon control to the current ribbon?
The web is full of articles about how to create a custom ribbon or modify the ribbon. I do not want to do any of that I just want to work with the current ribbon.
When I am done, I will do something like this
For each ribControl in theRibbon
debug.print ribControl.id
next RibControl
So, in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, how do I set a reference to the current ribbon?
I was thinking maybe something like
Dim theRibbon as IRibbonUI
set theRibbon=activedocument.Ribbon
set theRibbon=application.Ribbon
I know that that does not exist, but how do I set the ribbon control to the current ribbon?
The web is full of articles about how to create a custom ribbon or modify the ribbon. I do not want to do any of that I just want to work with the current ribbon.
When I am done, I will do something like this
For each ribControl in theRibbon
debug.print ribControl.id
next RibControl
So, in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, how do I set a reference to the current ribbon?