View Full Version : Renaming Files and changing Vlookup References

12-19-2012, 12:25 PM
I have about 85 files that I need to rename. These files contain data concerning delivery and quality data of each of our suppliers...1 file per supplier.

Current File Name: SupplierA 2012.xlsx
New File Name: Supplier A 2013.xlsx

Is there a way to do mass rename the files..

and that leads to my second question...each of these files contain vlookups to 2012 data...which is contained in the a file with 2012 in the file name. I need to replace source data file (i.e. 2012 Index) with the new file containing the 2013 data (i.e 2013 Index). Is there a way to replace that source data across 85 or so files using some time of mass find and repalce? All the cell references remain the same

12-19-2012, 06:33 PM
It sounds to me like you could open each file in sequence, read the text string from each vlookup formula cell, replace '2012' with '2013' an write the new formula back to the cell.

Then you can read the workbook name into a string, replace '2012' with 2013', and save as new filename.

I don't have any example code to show you, but this logic should get you started in the right direction

12-20-2012, 06:47 PM
Plenty of freeware mass file renamers out there. I like


but it hasn't been updated since 2005, but still works with my Vista box

It'd handle the file renaming
