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View Full Version : Color background detection in a cell

01-07-2013, 06:26 AM
Hi everyone, i'm facing some problems and i would like to ask for your help.

I have two columns with dates, where some of the dates are different.

26-06-2009 16,07 26-06-2009
29-06-2009 16,22 29-06-2009
30-06-2009 16,09 30-06-2009
01-07-2009 16,24 01-07-2009
02-07-2009 16,04 02-07-2009
03-07-2009 16,03 06-07-2009
06-07-2009 16,04 07-07-2009
07-07-2009 16,01 08-07-2009
08-07-2009 15,92 09-07-2009

I need to search in all the file, for this situation an then copy the date in the left column to paste it in the right column. To stay like this:

26-06-2009 16,07 26-06-2009
29-06-2009 16,22 29-06-2009
30-06-2009 16,09 30-06-2009
01-07-2009 16,24 01-07-2009
02-07-2009 16,04 02-07-2009
03-07-2009 16,03 03-07-2009
06-07-2009 16,04 06-07-2009
07-07-2009 16,01 07-07-2009
08-07-2009 15,92 08-07-2009

With the conditional formatting i made all the different dates appear in red, which make the task more easy.

I'm now trying to automate the process with some vba. I'm trying to run the column A searching for a red background and then copy the date and insert as a new line in the other column.

Hope i express my self correctly.

If Range("A2:A1500").Interior.ColorIndex = -4142 Then

End If

I was trying some like this, there are a way so i know what the red background cell column and row are?

Then my objective is work with this recorded macro:
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Application.CutCopyMode = False

Adapting the column number automatically.

Thank You

Kenneth Hobs
01-07-2013, 07:06 AM
Colorindex is not used for conditional formatting. Use the condition criterion to find what you need.

01-07-2013, 07:53 AM
FYI cross post: