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View Full Version : Solved: VBA to convet to IF(ISERROR formula

01-26-2013, 08:57 AM
The code below works fine if there is only 1 syntax in the formula that its being applied to.

For example if the original formula is =GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Field2,etc) the code below will convert it to =(IF(ISERROR(GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Field2,etc)),0,GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Field2, etc)) perfectly.

I need the code to be able to handle when the original formula has more than one syntax, for example, =GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Field2,etc)+GETPIVOTDATA(Field3,Field4,etc).

The code below will convert this to =IF(ISERROR(GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Field2,etc)+GETPIVOTDATA(Field3,Field4,etc) ),0,GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Field2,etc)+GETPIVOTDATA(Field3,Field4,etc)).

If either one of the GETPIVOTDATA results in an error the whole formula will result the a 0.

I need it to place the =IF(ISERROR on each of the individual GETPIVOTDATA formulas seperately.

Something like =IF(ISERROR(GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Field2,etc),0,GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Field2,et c)),+IF(ISERROR(GETPIVOTDATA(Field3,Field4,etc),0,GETPIVOTDATA(Field3,Field 4,etc)).

This way if 1 of the GETPIVOTDATA produces an error the other part will still return its results.

Any ideas?



Sub WrapFormula()
Dim rnge As Range, cl As Range, strFormula As String

Set rnge = Selection

For Each cl In rnge.Cells
strFormula = cl.Formula

If InStr(1, strFormula, "ISERROR") = 0 Then
strFormula = "=IF(ISERROR(" & Right(strFormula, Len(strFormula) - 1) & "),0," & _
Right(strFormula, Len(strFormula) - 1) & ")"
cl.Formula = strFormula
End If

End Sub

Bob Phillips
01-26-2013, 12:27 PM
What is wrong with your suggestion?

=IF(ISERROR(GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Field2,etc),0,GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Field2,et c)))
+IF(ISERROR(GETPIVOTDATA(Field3,Field4,etc),0,GETPIVOTDATA(Field3,Field4,et c)))

or if you have Excel 2007/2010/2013


01-26-2013, 01:25 PM
The code doesn't convert it to =IF(ISERROR(GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Field2, etc),0,GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Filed2,etc))+IF(ISERROR(GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Fiel d2, etc),0,GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Filed2,etc))

it does:

=IF(ISERROR(GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Field2,etc)+GETPIVOTDATA(Field3,Field4,etc) ),0,GETPIVOTDATA(Field1,Field2,etc)+GETPIVOTDATA(Field3,Field4,etc)).

Bob Phillips
01-26-2013, 05:18 PM
You have to process each element

Sub WrapFormula()
Dim rnge As Range, cl As Range, strFormula As String
Dim parts As Variant
Dim i As Long

Set rnge = Selection

For Each cl In rnge.Cells

strFormula = cl.Formula

If InStr(1, strFormula, "ISERROR") = 0 Then

parts = Split(Replace(strFormula, "=", ""), "+")
strFormula = ""
For i = LBound(parts) To UBound(parts)

strFormula = strFormula & "+IF(ISERROR(" & parts(i) & "),0," & parts(i) & ")"
Next i

cl.Formula = Replace(strFormula, "+", "=", 1, 1)
End If
End Sub

01-27-2013, 09:23 AM

Perfect (as always).

Thanks so much...
