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View Full Version : Sleeper: Help working with ranges doing text comparisons

08-08-2005, 07:37 AM
hi there , is there any try end try statement .. ?? it gives me an error when using end try ...

another thing is how do i go back to the last active worksheet ??

the method below compares with 2 words and selects everything in between , then how do i select the last few rows with nothing to compare to ?

Sub test2()
Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range, rSelect As Range
Dim x As Long, y As Long
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Set r1 = .Find("on", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not r1 Is Nothing Then
x = r1.Row
End If
Set r2 = .Find("off", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not r2 Is Nothing Then
y = r2.Row
End If
Set rSelect = Range("a" & x, Range("a" & y))
End With

End Sub

08-08-2005, 07:39 AM

Are you asking about Try...Catch from VB? If so, that's not supported in VBA. If not, I didn't understand what you're asking.

Anyway, are you asking a question about Access or Excel? It looks like Excel. Would you like me to move this thread to the Excel forum?

08-08-2005, 09:57 AM
sry posted in wrong section .. it would be nice to move it .. thanks ..

ya i was asking about the try and catch in vb .. is there some way to catch error in vba then ?

08-08-2005, 10:02 AM
Function ProcedureName(ArgumentList) As DataType
' Procedure comments.
' Declare local variables and constants.
On Error GoTo ProcedureName_Err
' Procedure code.
ProcedureName = True (or some other return value)
' Cleanup code that closes open files and sets object variables = Nothing.
Exit Function
ProcedureName = False
Select Case Err.Number
Case AnticipatedError#1
' Handle error #1.
Case AnticipatedError#2
' Handle error #2.
Case UnAnticipatedErrors
' Handle unanticipated error.
Case Else
' Handle unforseen circumstances.
End Select
Resume ProcedureName_End
End Function

Moving to Excel forum as requested.

08-09-2005, 03:02 AM
thx for the reply and move .. may i also add how come there are 2 end functions with only 1 function being declared ... ?

08-09-2005, 05:33 PM
I'll let the Excel guys help you with the Excel part. As for VBA error handling, you should read the article I linked to if you haven't already (NB: VBA error handling is crap). BTW, I only see one End Function in the example.

08-10-2005, 06:51 PM


08-11-2005, 05:23 AM
:rofl: dont think so ..

btw about the select cases .. can the cases be in a seperate sub / function instead of being in the place where the coding are .. ??

can show an example of it in action ??

just to add is there a way to create menu and assign macros them them when the file is open ?? i tried using the macro recorder but it does not work ??

another thing i tried the code below in the so called gobal variable part of the form but it gives me an error .. do i have to import something ??

Dim a As Date
a = Year(TODAY())

Bob Phillips
08-11-2005, 10:17 AM
dont think so ..

Think what?

btw about the select cases .. can the cases be in a seperate sub / function instead of being in the place where the coding are .. ??

The case action can call a sub or function just as anywhere else.

just to add is there a way to create menu and assign macros them them when the file is open ?? i tried using the macro recorder but it does not work ??

An example

Sub PartsMenu()
Dim HelpMenu As CommandBarControl
Dim MainMenu As CommandBarPopup
Dim MenuItem As CommandBarControl
Dim Submenuitem As CommandBarButton
' Deletes menu if it exits
Call DeleteMenu
' Find the help menu
Set HelpMenu = CommandBars(1).FindControl(ID:=30010)
If HelpMenu Is Nothing Then
' Add the menu to the end
Set MainMenu = CommandBars(1).Controls. _
Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True)
' Add menu before help
Set MainMenu = CommandBars(1).Controls. _
Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, before:=HelpMenu.Index, _
End If
' Add caption
MainMenu.Caption = "&Parts Utility"
' Searching for parts
Set MenuItem = MainMenu.Controls.Add _
With MenuItem
.Caption = "&Search Parts..."
.FaceId = 48
.ShortcutText = "Ctrl+Shift+S"
.OnAction = "SetupSearch"
End With
' LO / Remaining printout
Set MenuItem = MainMenu.Controls.Add _
With MenuItem
.Caption = "&Generate Parts Review..."
.FaceId = 285
.ShortcutText = "Ctrl+Shift+D"
.OnAction = "LORemaining"
End With
' View summary sheet
Set MenuItem = MainMenu.Controls.Add _
With MenuItem
.Caption = "Sub menu"
End With
Set Submenuitem = MenuItem.Controls.Add _
With Submenuitem
.Caption = "&View Summary..."
.FaceId = 592
.OnAction = "Summary"
End With
' Print summary sheet
Set Submenuitem = MenuItem.Controls.Add _
With Submenuitem
.Caption = "Print Summary"
' .Application = 364
.OnAction = "PrintSummary"
End With
End Sub

Sub DeleteMenu()
On Error Resume Next
Application.CommandBars(1).Controls("&Parts Utility").Delete
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

I would add this to the worrkbook open event. To do this, follow these steps
- goto into the VB IDE
- in the explorer pane on the left, select the 'mymacro.xls' workbook
- double-click the 'ThisWorkbook' class module under the 'Microsoft Excel
Objects' folder (may need to to click a plus sign beside Microsoft Excel
Objects to expoand it)
- a code window should open, and in the 'General' dropdown, select Workbook
- this should create a Workbook_Open event, paste the above code into that.

another thing i tried the code below in the so called gobal variable part of the form but it gives me an error .. do i have to import something ??

Dim a As Date
a = Year(TODAY())

The assighnment to a has to be in a procedure, Userfoprm_Activate looks good.

08-13-2005, 05:39 AM
may i ask what is .FaceId = 48 ...??

and the assignment can only be done in each procedure ( as in sub or function ) ?

Bob Phillips
08-13-2005, 06:46 AM
may i ask what is .FaceId = 48 ...??

it is an assignment of an icon to tyhe menu item

and the assignment can only be done in each procedure ( as in sub or function ) ?

Don't understand what you are asking.