View Full Version : Solved: Check for empty values in a word table

02-25-2013, 02:59 AM
I have a table imported from excel. And I like to check if the values from the first column and the second are empty. If there are empty to delete entire row: The code is like this:

Option Explicit

Sub table()
Dim i As Integer, j
For i = 1 To ActiveDocument.Tables.Count
With ActiveDocument.Tables(i).Range
For j = ActiveDocument.Tables(i).Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
If (ActiveDocument.Tables(i).Cell(j, 1).Range.Text) = "" And (ActiveDocument.Tables(i).Cell(j, 2).Range.Text) = "" Then
End If
Next j
End With
End Sub

but it is not working. I try with len function but also is not going... any idea?

02-25-2013, 03:17 AM
The 'empty' cells retain an end-of-cell marker, which accounts for two characters. Try:
Sub Table()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Long, j As Long
With ActiveDocument
For i = .Tables.Count To 1 Step -1
With .Tables(i)
For j = .Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
With .Rows(j)
If Len(.Cells(1).Range.Text) = 2 Then _
If Len(.Cells(2).Range.Text) = 2 Then .Delete
End With
Next j
End With
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

02-25-2013, 03:18 AM
I try also this:

Sub table1()
Dim i As Integer, j
For i = 1 To ActiveDocument.Tables.Count
With ActiveDocument.Tables(i)
For j = .Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
If Left(.Cell(j, 1).Range.Text, Len(.Cell(j, 1).Range.Text) - 2) = "" And Left(.Cell(j, 2).Range.Text, Len(.Cell(j, 2).Range.Text) - 2) = "" Then
End If
Next j
End With

End Sub

but nothing

02-25-2013, 03:33 AM
Hello macropod

Thank you for your time. I try your code but nothing.

the len for the values from cell return like this:

len(TOTAL) = 7 - logic
len(10) = 4 - logic
len(1) = 3 - logic
len() = 3 - not logic

02-25-2013, 03:46 AM
I forget the doc.

02-25-2013, 03:47 AM
The code I posted does work. In all likelihood, the code doesn't work for you because your cells are not empty. Try:
Sub Table()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Long, j As Long
With ActiveDocument
For i = .Tables.Count To 1 Step -1
With .Tables(i)
For j = .Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
With .Rows(j)
If Len(Trim(.Cells(1).Range.Text)) = 2 Then _
If Len(Trim(.Cells(2).Range.Text)) = 2 Then .Delete
End With
Next j
End With
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

02-25-2013, 03:58 AM
Yes you are correct (thank you for your code)

but I do not understand why the copy paste, from excel to word will add "one space" in columns that are empty.. any idea?

02-25-2013, 04:46 AM
I do not understand why the copy paste, from excel to word will add "one space" in columns that are empty.. any idea?
Actually, depending on the cell, it can paste either an ordinary space or a non-breaking space for empty cells. So you might need to use:
Sub Table()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Long, j As Long
With ActiveDocument
For i = .Tables.Count To 1 Step -1
With .Tables(i)
For j = .Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
With .Rows(j)
If Len(Trim(Replace(.Cells(1).Range.Text, Chr(160), ""))) = 2 Then _
If Len(Trim(Replace(.Cells(2).Range.Text, Chr(160), ""))) = 2 Then .Delete
End With
Next j
End With
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

02-25-2013, 04:50 AM
Yes, it was a non breaking space chr(160) (not just space chr(13)). But I got the idea that the cells are not empty.

thank you very much (for coding and time) :)