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View Full Version : Text Box, text formatting

03-01-2013, 04:49 PM
Hi, I have a text box that displays text from another cell in the workbook. The other text has some sections in bold, but when it displays in the textbox it doesn't show the bold text - does anyone know if there is a way I can get that to happen? The code I'm using at the moment is below. Thanks

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim R As Long
ComboBox2.List = Array("QuestionSet1", "QuestionSet2")
ComboBox1.RowSource = ""
For R = 1 To 300
ComboBox1.AddItem Sheets("QuestionSet1").Range("A" & R).Value
Next R
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Dim R As Long
R = Me.ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1
Me.TextBox1.Value = Cells(R, 2).Value
Me.TextBox2.Value = Cells(R, 3).Value
End Sub