View Full Version : Search engine in Power Point

03-27-2013, 01:49 AM
Hi Everybody,

I am fairly new to VBA. And I am currently implementing a search engine in a PPT deck. The basic search function works already however you can search only for one word. I would love to enlarge the function to a wild card search or so that you could at least search for two consecutive words divided by a blank.

I attached the code that is working now and hope one of you might have a great idea to broaden the seach :) THANX.

Option Explicit

Public oLastSlide As Long

'Searches for the text in a shape and check if it is a whole word
Private Function bTextInShape(ByVal sTextToFind As String, _
ByRef oShape As Shape) As Boolean
Dim bResult As Boolean
Dim sShapeText As String
Dim oCurrentTextRange As TextRange2
Dim oWord As TextRange2

bResult = False

If oShape.HasTextFrame Then
Set oCurrentTextRange = oShape.TextFrame2.TextRange
sShapeText = oCurrentTextRange.Text
If sShapeText <> "" Then
If InStr(1, sShapeText, sTextToFind, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
bResult = True
End If
End If

'Check only for whole word
If bResult Then
bResult = False
For Each oWord In oCurrentTextRange.Words
If Trim(UCase(oWord.Text)) = Trim(UCase(sTextToFind)) Then
bResult = True
End If
Next oWord
End If

End If

bTextInShape = bResult
Exit Function

Resume NormalExit
End Function

'Searches for the text in a table
Private Function bTextInTable(ByVal sTextToFind As String, _
ByRef oTable As Table) As Boolean

Dim bResult As Boolean
Dim oCell As Shape
Dim sShapeText As String

Dim lRow As Long
Dim lCol As Long

bResult = False

With oTable
'Go through each cells
For lRow = 1 To .Rows.Count
For lCol = 1 To .Rows(lRow).Cells.Count
If Not (bResult) Then
With .Rows(lRow).Cells(lCol)
Set oCell = .Shape
If bTextInShape(sTextToFind, oCell) Then
bResult = True
End If
End With
End If
Next lCol
Next lRow
End With

bTextInTable = bResult
Exit Function

Resume NormalExit
End Function

'Searches for the text in a group
Private Function bTextInGroup(ByVal sTextToFind As String, _
ByRef oCurrentGroup As Shape) As Boolean

Dim bResult As Boolean
Dim oShape As Shape
Dim sShapeText As String

bResult = False

For Each oShape In oCurrentGroup.GroupItems
If Not (bResult) Then
If oShape.Type = msoGroup Then
If bTextInGroup(sTextToFind, oShape) Then
bResult = True
End If
ElseIf oShape.Type = msoTable Then
If bTextInTable(sTextToFind, oShape.Table) Then
bResult = True
End If
If bTextInShape(sTextToFind, oShape) Then
bResult = True
End If
End If
End If
Next oShape

bTextInGroup = bResult
Exit Function

Resume NormalExit
End Function

'Searches for the text in shapes and calls on the shape, table and group function
Private Function bTextInShapes(ByVal sTextToFind As String, _
ByVal oCurrentSlide As Slide) As Boolean
Dim bResult As Boolean
Dim oShape As Shape

bResult = False

For Each oShape In oCurrentSlide.Shapes
If Not (bResult) Then
If oShape.Type = msoGroup Then
If bTextInGroup(sTextToFind, oShape) Then
bResult = True
End If
ElseIf oShape.Type = msoTable Then
If bTextInTable(sTextToFind, oShape.Table) Then
bResult = True
End If
If bTextInShape(sTextToFind, oShape) Then
bResult = True
End If
End If
End If
Next oShape

bTextInShapes = bResult
Exit Function

Resume NormalExit
End Function

'The actual search functionality
Public Sub FindText()
Dim sTextToFind As String
Dim oListSlides As Collection

Dim oCurrentPresentation As Presentation
Dim oCurrentSlide As Slide
Dim oItem As Variant
Dim i As Long

'Executes the function to save the slide where the search was initiated
Call SaveLastSlide

sTextToFind = InputBox("Please enter the text you want to find", "CFEx Incentive Cookbook Search Engine v1.01")

'Checks if text was entered and if so proceeds with the data collection
If sTextToFind <> "" Then
Set oCurrentPresentation = Application.ActivePresentation
Set oListSlides = New Collection

'Collects the data
For Each oCurrentSlide In oCurrentPresentation.Slides
If bTextInShapes(sTextToFind, oCurrentSlide) Then
oListSlides.Add (oCurrentSlide.SlideNumber)
End If
Next oCurrentSlide

'Puts the data into the From_Slidelist or displays error message if no results where found
If oListSlides.Count = 0 Then
Call MsgBox("Text """ & sTextToFind & """ not found.", vbOKOnly)
i = 0
Load Form_SlideList
With Form_SlideList
.Button_Last.Caption = "Back to original slide (Page " & oLastSlide & ")"
.L_Results = ""
.L_Results = "The text """ & sTextToFind & """ was found on the following slides:"
For Each oItem In oListSlides
With .LB_Results
.ColumnCount = 3
.ColumnWidths = "30;120;360"
'Adds the slide number
.List(i, 0) = oItem
'Adds the chapter of the slide (section name)
.List(i, 1) = ActivePresentation.SectionProperties.Name(ActivePresentation.Slides(oItem). sectionIndex)
'Adds the Slide Title or name if no title exists
If ActivePresentation.Slides(oItem).Shapes.HasTitle Then
.List(i, 2) = ActivePresentation.Slides(oItem).Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
Else: .List(i, 2) = ActivePresentation.Slides(oItem).Name
End If
i = i + 1
End With
Next oItem
End With
Unload Form_SlideList
End If
End If

Exit Sub

Resume NormalExit
End Sub

'Saves the slide where the search function was executed
Sub SaveLastSlide()

oLastSlide = SlideShowWindows(1).View.CurrentShowPosition

End Sub

'Visits the slide where the search function was executed
Sub GoToLastSlide()

ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.GotoSlide (oLastSlide)

End Sub

John Wilson
03-27-2013, 04:05 AM
I would look into the FIND method for TextRanges
Set oTemp = otxR.Find(FindWhat:=sFind, After:=1, MatchCase:=False, WholeWords:=False)

And also Like method to find fuzzy matches.

For a more advance pattern search look at RedX here (http://www.pptalchemy.co.uk/PowerPoint_RegEx.html) and then look at Google for more on regx patterns.