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View Full Version : 1 Userform and 60 ComboBoxes

03-28-2013, 01:12 AM
Hello everyone!
Since so clear is that you have great minds and macros you have something so small and insignificant and you can solve the problem for everyone.
But I ran into an awful lot of problems that bedevil him the third day and will deal with the situation.
I'll try to explain it in detail because it really needs a clear explanation:
(1) I start sheet (SEARCH), then another 15 Sheets. In each of these 15 I have over 20,000 lines, which says something, but one is very important and these are columns D: D each of the 15 Sheets. Is important because it should look want my name (s) and when it finds the macro to copy all the information before and after the name of the same order.
I've done my UserForm, I made it 60 ComboBox, I have a Search button and a Cancel,
After searching hundreds of pages never could find the answer to my problem. I have in Sheet (SEARCH) one column T: T in which I number of examples (but are Names of people). How do you not try to do so in each of the 60 ComboBoxe's, I can choose from these names, but to the first and then not know how to put the same number (s) in all other ComboBoxe's.
The next thing is that not always the 60 drop down menus will be filled (complete) names may also be less. Let's say that we have reached the desired choice of our names, as I did click Search ..... - When pushed to start searching selected names one after the other in the remaining 15 Sheets find them and when to copy all the information into one another and begin to put it in cell A2 to end all sought names of the other 15 Sheets. What's more important - those 15-18 Sheet's, the tables do not always start from the same row.
This file is my (New doctor search)
In this file I found on the internet (1053 class to manage multiple controls in userform) - shows how a macro of the same column in excel when selecting a point in the next drop-down menu is missing the letter and allows selection of any other letters (as in my report will be people's names).
You are my last hope for help.
I want to thank you in advance for your responsiveness.

03-28-2013, 03:43 AM
this will suffice:

Private Sub Userform_Initialize()
ComboBox1.List = [transpose(row(1:962))]
End Sub

I have no idea about the use of all those comboboxes.

If you want all the comboboxes to be populated like the first one you can use

Private Sub Userform_Initialize()
ComboBox1.List = [transpose(row(1:962))]
for j = 2 to 60
me("Combobox" & j).list=combobox1.List
End Sub

03-28-2013, 04:48 AM
Thanks a lot, but still what you've done I see only numbers and if you have the info from column T: T, then why can not I see any of these signs as: (ComboBox1.AddItem "11" - it is only for example) in its place there will be people's names.
And then how to enable the rest of my previous message?
If I alone can do it, I would not ask you geniuses in the field and topics.
In your answer if you ask me: How to get to China?
I answer you drive straight there.
Please help me!
Once again thank you very much!
And on that you have no idea - then I have no idea, silly solutions come from the head of my boss.
If it were me, I would not bother at all.
I hope to really help me.

03-28-2013, 03:09 PM
Déjà vu:


03-29-2013, 01:35 PM
Hello Admins!
Please delete this post in your forum.
Thank you!