View Full Version : Combining Spreadsheets by feature

05-04-2013, 09:10 AM
Hi All,

I have two features for three products (A,B and C). These features are: Dist and Exp.

There are 6 spreadsheets that I want to combine by feature. So, what I would like the Macro in spreadsheet

'Consolidate_exp': Copy and paste the contents from the three spreadsheets (A_exp, B_exp and C_exp) one after another so that I have all the data in a master spreadsheet 'Consolidate_exp'.
'Consolidate_dist': This should create a new Sheet (Sheet1, say) and copy and paste all contents from the three spreadsheets (A_dist,B_dist and C_dist) in the Sheet1.Any help will be highly appreciated.

Kind Regards


05-23-2013, 11:32 PM
I have moved this thread into the Excel forum on your behalf. I also noticed that it was marked as Solved yet no solution has been provided. Was this because you found a solution somewhere else?