View Full Version : Using results of variables from Word in Excel

05-24-2013, 07:03 AM
I am very new to using VBA and I am wondering if something can be done... I have googled and not found much help and thought I would give a forum a go as I have never posted on one before.

I have been asked to extract data from a Word document (table) and place the results into an Excel document in specific cells. Until now I have only used vba macros in Word or Excel never for both manipulating recorded macros mostly!

I can gather the info needed from Word into named variables and I can get the Excel document to open from the Word document but so far have been unable to use the info in Excel - why can't i use these - do the variables have to be declared in a different way or something !!

Anyway any ideas/help would be much appreciated.


05-24-2013, 05:00 PM
There is some Excel code for transferring 'form' data from Word to Excel here: http://www.vbaexpress.com/forum/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=40406
Without knowing more about your Word documents and Excel workbook, there's not much more that can be advised.