View Full Version : selection list in word linked to excel

07-02-2013, 03:19 AM

I'm looking for a solution for this: I have a word template that our users will have to fill out. One of the items they need to input is a level on which a certain document needs to be placed.
Each level has a ID(number) and contains a series of sublevels (see attached file). In order to avoid typing errors or missed levels, I would like to have the user to input the ID which then gives him all corresponding levels for that ID. Most ID have one line with 4-5 levels, but some have 4-6 sub ids and corresponding levels.
E.g. mydocument.doc belongs to sublevel4 of id 20
the entry in de template should look like this
the template should also be save as a doc with this name.
Or hisdocument.doc belongs tot sublevel 3 of id20

I have tried with dropdowns but since I have over 600 ID that is not working. I have also tried to find a way of using merging (using the DATABASE option) but I could'nt get that working. I have then tried a command button but the I only get as far as linking my excel document to my worddoc. I have not enough VBA skills to get the thing selecting the entered id from the exceldocument.
I don't know which solution is best.
thanks in advance for any ideas or solutions

Doug Robbins
07-04-2013, 01:52 AM
See the following pages of Greg Maxey's website :

http://gregmaxey.mvps.org/Create_and_employ_a_UserForm.htm (http://gregmaxey.mvps.org/Create_and_employ_a_UserForm.htm)

http://gregmaxey.mvps.org/Populate_UserForm_ListBox.htm (http://gregmaxey.mvps.org/Populate_UserForm_ListBox.htm)

07-05-2013, 01:06 AM
seems to be what I need.
I'll have a look at it and do some testing provided I can get it working