View Full Version : Remove empty lines at the top of every page

07-17-2013, 01:21 PM
Hi, I would like to perform the action described below, followed by a deletion of any empty lines at the top of every page in a document.

Those two procedures must be performed for the same page, before moving on to the next page


Go to page 1:

Search: ([!^13A-z]^13)(Nš)
Replace: \1^13\2

Remove all empty lines at the top of page 1


Go to page 2:

Search: ([!^13A-z]^13)(Nš)
Replace: \1^13\2

Remove all empty lines at the top of page 2


and so on...

Can you help?


07-18-2013, 07:45 AM
I didīt find any 'edit post' button, what am I missing?

Anyway, I'm rewriting my question, the deletion of empty lines must come first. Like this:


Go to page 1:

Remove all empty lines at the top of page 1

Search: ([!^13A-z]^13)(Nš)
Replace: \1^13\2


Go to page 2:

Remove all empty lines at the top of page 2

Search: ([!^13A-z]^13)(Nš)
Replace: \1^13\2


And so on to the last page.

Thank you.

08-05-2013, 05:44 AM
Anyone ?