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View Full Version : VBA Compile Error: Ambiguous name detected

08-08-2013, 02:18 PM
Hi guys,

I'm just having a little problem with some code. A colleague and I wrote two separate pieces of code and we're now trying to combine it into the one worksheet.
I believe the problem lies with the fact that we have Two "Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)" events in the same worksheet.
When I remove one of the "Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)" - I still can't get things to work.
Does anyone have a solution? If so it would be much appreciated.

Here it is:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Hard-coded ranges may be a maintenance issue

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

'Create a dialog which appears when Fail or Retest is selected for a test case and the corresponding JIRA column is blank
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("$M$2:$M$1048576")) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
If (Target.Value = "Fail" Or Target.Value = "Retest") And IsEmpty(Range("$R$" & Target.Row)) Then
MsgBox "A JIRA must be present for a test of status Fail or Retest"
'Range("$R$" & Target.Row).Font.Color = vbRed
'Range("$R$" & Target.Row).Font.Bold = True
'Range("$R$" & Target.Row).Value = "A JIRA number is required"
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If

'Update the number of test cases without priority
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("$I$2:$I$1048576")) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim numberWithoutPriority As Integer
'Number test cases without priority = (number of non-blank test case ids) - (number of non-blank priorities)
numberWithoutPriority = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$A$2:$A$1048576")) _
- Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$I$2:$I$1048576"))
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("01. Document Info").Range("$B$10").Value = numberWithoutPriority
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If

'Update the number of test cases without status and number of test cases missing JIRAs
If (Not Intersect(Target, Range("$M$2:$M$1048576")) Is Nothing) Or (Not Intersect(Target, Range("$R$2:$R$1048576")) Is Nothing) Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim numberWithoutStatus As Integer
Dim numberMissingJIRAs As Integer
'Number test cases without status = (number of non-blank test case ids) - (number of non-blank statuses)
numberWithoutStatus = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$A$2:$A$1048576")) _
- Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$M$2:$M$1048576"))
'Number test cases missing JIRA
numberMissingJIRAs = 0
For Each c In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$M$2:$M$1048576").Cells
If IsEmpty(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$A$" & c.Row)) Then
Exit For
ElseIf ((c.Value = "Retest" Or c.Value = "Fail") And IsEmpty(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$R$" & c.Row))) Then
numberMissingJIRAs = numberMissingJIRAs + 1
End If
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("01. Document Info").Range("$B$9").Value = numberWithoutStatus
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("01. Document Info").Range("$B$11").Value = numberMissingJIRAs
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If

Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=847).Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate()
Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=847).Enabled = True
Me.Name = "02. Test Cases"
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' Does the validation range still have validation?
If Not Intersect(Range("ValidationRange"), Target) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
If HasValidation(Intersect(Range("ValidationRange"), Target)) = False Then
MsgBox "Your last operation was canceled." & vbCrLf & _
"It would have deleted data validation rules.", vbCritical
End If
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Private Function HasValidation(r As Range) As Boolean
' Returns True if every cell in Range r uses Data Validation
Dim c As Range
Dim x As XlDVType
On Error Resume Next
For Each c In r.Cells
x = r.Validation.Type
If Err Then
HasValidation = False
Exit Function
End If
Next c
HasValidation = True
End Function

08-08-2013, 02:49 PM
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Hard-coded ranges may be a maintenance issue

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

'Create a dialog which appears when Fail or Retest is selected for a test case and the corresponding JIRA column is blank
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("$M$2:$M$1048576")) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
If (Target.Value = "Fail" Or Target.Value = "Retest") And IsEmpty(Range("$R$" & Target.Row)) Then
MsgBox "A JIRA must be present for a test of status Fail or Retest"
'Range("$R$" & Target.Row).Font.Color = vbRed
'Range("$R$" & Target.Row).Font.Bold = True
'Range("$R$" & Target.Row).Value = "A JIRA number is required"
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If

'Update the number of test cases without priority
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("$I$2:$I$1048576")) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim numberWithoutPriority As Integer
'Number test cases without priority = (number of non-blank test case ids) - (number of non-blank priorities)
numberWithoutPriority = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$A$2:$A$1048576")) _
- Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$I$2:$I$1048576"))
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("01. Document Info").Range("$B$10").Value = numberWithoutPriority
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If

'Update the number of test cases without status and number of test cases missing JIRAs
If (Not Intersect(Target, Range("$M$2:$M$1048576")) Is Nothing) Or (Not Intersect(Target, Range("$R$2:$R$1048576")) Is Nothing) Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim numberWithoutStatus As Integer
Dim numberMissingJIRAs As Integer
'Number test cases without status = (number of non-blank test case ids) - (number of non-blank statuses)
numberWithoutStatus = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$A$2:$A$1048576")) _
- Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$M$2:$M$1048576"))
'Number test cases missing JIRA
numberMissingJIRAs = 0
For Each c In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$M$2:$M$1048576").Cells
If IsEmpty(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$A$" & c.Row)) Then
Exit For
ElseIf ((c.Value = "Retest" Or c.Value = "Fail") And IsEmpty(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$R$" & c.Row))) Then
numberMissingJIRAs = numberMissingJIRAs + 1
End If
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("01. Document Info").Range("$B$9").Value = numberWithoutStatus
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("01. Document Info").Range("$B$11").Value = numberMissingJIRAs
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If

Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=847).Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate()
Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=847).Enabled = True
Me.Name = "02. Test Cases"
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' Does the validation range still have validation?
If Not Intersect(Range("ValidationRange"), Target) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
If HasValidation(Intersect(Range("ValidationRange"), Target)) = False Then
MsgBox "Your last operation was canceled." & vbCrLf & _
"It would have deleted data validation rules.", vbCritical
End If
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Private Function HasValidation(r As Range) As Boolean
' Returns True if every cell in Range r uses Data Validation
Dim c As Range
Dim x As XlDVType
On Error Resume Next
For Each c In r.Cells
x = r.Validation.Type
If Err Then
HasValidation = False
Exit Function
End If
Next c
HasValidation = True
End Function

08-08-2013, 03:26 PM
Made both Event subs work, you might want to move the Test status code into its own function or sub and call it from the Event sub, too.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Hard-coded ranges may be a maintenance issue
'Yes, I would name these ranges. SamT

Dim numberWithoutPriority As Integer
Dim numberWithoutStatus As Integer
Dim numberMissingJIRAs As Integer
Dim c As Range

Application.EnableEvents = False

If CheckValidation(Target) Then 'Worksheets Validation was not deleted

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

''''Move to Boolean function
'Create a dialog which appears when Fail or Retest is selected for a test case
'and the corresponding JIRA column is blank
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("$M$2:$M$1048576")) Is Nothing Then
If (Target.Value = "Fail" Or Target.Value = "Retest") _
And IsEmpty(Range("$R$" & Target.Row)) Then
MsgBox "A JIRA must be present for a test of status Fail or Retest"
'With Range("$R$" & Target.Row)
'.Font.Color = vbRed
'.Font.Bold = True
'.Value = "A JIRA number is required"
'End With
End If
End If

''''Move to seperate sub or boolean function
'Update the number of test cases without priority
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("$I$2:$I$1048576")) Is Nothing Then
'Number test cases without priority = (number of non-blank test case ids) _
- (number of non-blank priorities)
numberWithoutPriority = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook _
.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$A$2:$A$1048576")) _
- Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook. _
Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$I$2:$I$1048576"))
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("01. Document Info").Range("$B$10").Value _
= numberWithoutPriority
End If

''''Move to seperate sub or boolean function
'Update the number of test cases without status and number of test cases missing JIRAs
If (Not Intersect(Target, Range("$M$2:$M$1048576")) Is Nothing) _
Or (Not Intersect(Target, Range("$R$2:$R$1048576")) Is Nothing) Then
'Number test cases without status = (number of non-blank test case ids) _
- (number of non-blank statuses)
numberWithoutStatus = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook _
.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$A$2:$A$1048576")) _
- Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases") _
'Number test cases missing JIRA
numberMissingJIRAs = 0

''''Move to Long Function
For Each c In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases") _
If IsEmpty(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases") _
.Range("$A$" & c.Row)) Then Exit For
ElseIf ((c.Value = "Retest" Or c.Value = "Fail") _
And IsEmpty(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("02. Test Cases").Range("$R$" & c.Row))) Then
numberMissingJIRAs = numberMissingJIRAs + 1
End If
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("01. Document Info").Range("$B$9").Value _
= numberWithoutStatus
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("01. Document Info").Range("$B$11").Value _
= numberMissingJIRAs
End If
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=847).Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate()
Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=847).Enabled = True

'Rename this Worksheet
Me.Name = "02. Test Cases"
End Sub

Private Function CheckValidation(ByVal Target As Range) As Boolean
' Does the validation range still have validation?
If Not Intersect(Range("ValidationRange"), Target) Is Nothing Then
'Set False in Change event Sub
'Application.EnableEvents = False
If HasValidation(Intersect(Range("ValidationRange"), Target)) = False Then
MsgBox "Your last operation was canceled." & vbCrLf & _
"It would have deleted data validation rules.", vbCritical
Application.EnableEvents = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
CheckValidation = True
'Application.EnableEvents = True
End Function

Private Function HasValidation(r As Range) As Boolean
' Returns True if every cell in Range r uses Data Validation
Dim c As Range
Dim x As XlDVType
On Error Resume Next
For Each c In r.Cells
x = r.Validation.Type
If Err Then Exit Function
Next c
HasValidation = True
End Function