View Full Version : Append a field at end of each sentence, list item and table line

08-09-2013, 05:33 AM
Hello guys:

I' trying to implement a VBA code that append a editable field at the end of each sentence, paragraph, list item, table item and image subtitles. Something like this:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <FIELD 1> Maecenas pellentesque eu tortor in tempor.<FIELD 2> Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum id massa quis nisi mollis placerat eu ac nulla. <FIELD 3> In pharetra bibendum mi, ut consequat libero pulvinar quis.<FIELD 4> Duis venenatis lacinia nisl, a consectetur arcu.<FIELD 5> Duis laoreet luctus pulvinar.<FIELD 6> Sed laoreet aliquam velit et posuere.<FIELD 7> Nullam tellus urna, venenatis a bibendum sed, congue quis ante.<FIELD 8>

I tried several methods using some code I found in web but I can't figure out how to do it in a consistent way.
I think the most difficult thing is to indentify the end of a sentence. In normal paragraphs, sentences end with [. or ? or !...] but in lists and tables not.
Could someone help me with this code?


08-09-2013, 07:37 AM
A sentence is a concept that Word completely fails to understand on anything near a "consistent" basis. For more see:
