View Full Version : ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs on Mac OS X

08-16-2013, 08:11 AM
I am trying to save an xls file to a server location rather than my desktop. If I don't try to specify the server, the file saves fine on my desktop. If I try to save it to the server I get a Error 1004. Here is the code I have tried.

file = saveme & Stage & ".xls"

folderpath = "Autumn" & Application.PathSeparator & "SHC_IT" & Application.PathSeparator & "SHC_Test" & Application.PathSeparator & "AgencyErrors" & Application.PathSeparator & file
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs filename:=folderpath, FileFormat:=57

This will save to my desktop

file = saveme & Stage & ".xls"

folderpath = "Autumn" & Application.PathSeparator & "SHC_IT" & Application.PathSeparator & "SHC_Test" & Application.PathSeparator & "AgencyErrors" & Application.PathSeparator & file
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs filename:=file, FileFormat:=57

All I want to do is save a newly created xls file to a network location so that I can share it.