Jacob Hilderbrand
08-17-2013, 04:25 PM
There is a new Articles system, at the top navigation bar click Articles, on the top left area of that page there are categories to select from. Most articles are for VBA General or VBA Excel but there are a few for other categories.
If you would like to post an article you can make a normal post in a forum and then send me a PM and I will review and then convert it to the new system.
The old forum (http://www.vbaexpress.com/forum/content.php) will be going away shortly. There are a few articles left that need to be updated.
If you would like to post an article you can make a normal post in a forum and then send me a PM and I will review and then convert it to the new system.
The old forum (http://www.vbaexpress.com/forum/content.php) will be going away shortly. There are a few articles left that need to be updated.