View Full Version : Check Inventory Availability

09-10-2013, 10:59 AM
Hi All,

Thank you for your help in advanced, this is a bit of a puzzle to me.

I have Inventory that ranges in sizes and bookings that range in size and date. I'm trying to develop a query that provides me with clashes with inventory already booked. I have come unstuck when it comes to size.

Presently I have a query that has BookingInventory & BookingInventory1; BookingInventory1 is a duplicate of BookingInventory. When a user selects Inventory the query displays clashed by date. It does so effectively. The expression I have written is as follows;

Expr1: Nz([tblBookingInventory_1].[StartDate]>=[tblBookingInventory].[EndDate]) Or ([tblBookingInventory_1].[EndDate ]<=[tblBookingInventory].[StartDate]) Or ([tblBookingInventory].[InventoryID]<>[tblBookingInventory_1].[InventoryID]) Or ([tblBookingInventory].[BookingInventoryID]=[tblBookingInventory_1].[BookingInventoryID])

There is also a field in the table called BookingSize. I want to take away the BookingSize from the other BookingSize in the duplicate and only display the result if the BookingSize is negative. This is obviously cause there is not space left for a Booking to be placed.:help