View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Per hour result

09-11-2013, 01:23 AM
Good morning,

I have staff who work different hours in a week and I need to establish how many pieces of post they work PER hour for the week

I have the cells set up as:

Hours (in [h]:mm format) and post worked

hours for the week will always be over 24 hence the [h]:mm

the cells show: 28:00 (and formula bar shows 01/01/1900 04:00:00).

If they have completed 47 pieces of post in 28:00 of work. How do I get excel to tell me how many pieces of post have been completed PER hour.:whip

but neither appear to be correct. :(

Any tips? :help

09-11-2013, 02:51 AM
Do have an answer as this thread is marked as solved?

09-11-2013, 03:08 AM
I do..

I had an idea of what the correct formula was ..

Units/(time*24) but for some reason it wasnt working out.. (seems the data that was input initially was incorrect. so My calculations were correct.

I just have a seperate issue relating to Units per Day rather than hour..

09-11-2013, 05:57 AM
@ Curious,

Since you have not posted a separate thread inre the Units per Day, and because it is very similar to Units per Hour, I have removed the (Solved) from this thread.

BTW, for the benefit of others, can you show us the formula you used for Units per Hour? Thanks.

How accurate do you need Units Per Day?

Aproximate Average per day: UPD = UPW/5
Actual Average per Day: UPD = UPW/Days worked
Theoretical average per Day: UPD = UPW * (ActualHoursworkedPerWeek/8)

There are probably even more ways to look at it. It is a managers' decision as to what metric he/she wants. YOu might consider a Dashboard chart that shows several different styles of this metric at once, or pick one and show it's trend over time.

09-11-2013, 07:23 AM
The units per hour is actually as posted above:


(24 turning the Excel reading into "DAY")

Units per day was slightly a different work out:

unit/HOUR(hours worked/hours in day)


HOUR written as is the hours worked and hours in a day are written as numbers or their respective cell location.

09-11-2013, 04:06 PM

You want to mark this as solved?