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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Replace formula

Tom Jones
09-17-2013, 01:01 PM

How can I replace this formula?

09-17-2013, 03:40 PM
Select the cell the formula is in and type something else.

That's a true and complete answer to your exact question.

IOW, We need more information.

09-17-2013, 09:13 PM
iterate thru the rows looking for that formula using VBA....

if sheets(0).Cells(0,0).Formula = "=IF(B14<5,0,IF(B14<10,5%,IF(B14<12,6%,IF(B14<15,7%,IF(B14>=15,10%)))))" then
sheets(0).Cells(0,0).Formula = "new formula goes here"
end if

09-17-2013, 09:56 PM

09-17-2013, 10:42 PM
it really depends on what you are trying to lookup -and how - and how large your dataset is

Tom Jones
09-17-2013, 11:42 PM
Select the cell the formula is in and type something else.

That's a true and complete answer to your exact question.

Very clever. I was interested in a formula equivalent to the one I wrote.

Thanks to all.

09-18-2013, 05:54 AM
you may adopt the formula posted by amontes;

09-18-2013, 08:08 AM
Glad you liked it. I wasn't sure you would see the humor.

I was interested in a formula equivalent to the one I wrote.

Thank you, that's what we need

Tom Jones
09-18-2013, 09:59 AM
Thank mancubus and amontes.