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View Full Version : Need to link drop down list from range in xlsm (Add-In)

09-17-2013, 02:07 PM
Dear All,

I need to link drop down list from range that saved in xlsm (Add-In). I could able to link it to lookup formula but in Data Validation I couldn't do it.
Lookup example:
B1 is =VLOOKUP(A1,My_ADDINS.xlam!MyRange,2,FALSE)
Where My_ADDINS.xlam is the Add-In, MyRange is the range.

I tried to use the same method in the source of the Data Validation as follow but it didn't work with me.
where my MyList is the range name saved in the My_ADDINS.xlam file.

Any one can help please.

Thank you

09-17-2013, 09:09 PM
the problem might be that they are not part of the same file/project... you can easily import the data from one file into a sheet in the other workbook tho... that's just a simple copy/paste routine in VBA

import it, process it, and then delete it

have you tried testing it with both sheets in the same book?

VLOOKUPs really suck

09-18-2013, 01:53 AM
Try creating a defined name in the workbook with the data validation that refers to =My_ADDINS.xlam!MyList and then use that new name as the DV list source.