View Full Version : Insert text before subject in reply

10-17-2013, 02:59 AM
Hi,I've been trying to write a sub to insert a phrase before the subject line on some emails.

Sub EmailReply()
'Defines original and reply email as Outlook items
Dim Reply_Email As Outlook.MailItem
Dim Original_Email As Outlook.MailItem

'Defines the active email as the original
Set Original_Email = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection(1)
Set Reply_Email = Original_Email.Reply

'Inserts Release-authorised: before existing subject line
Reply_Email.Subject = "Release-authorised:" + Original_Email.Reply.Subject
'Displays the reply email

This works ok but the once the reply email is displayed the font has been changed from my default (Arial 11 pt) to Times New Roman 12 pt. Is there another line I can add so I can just type in the reply without having to change the font?



10-17-2013, 08:48 AM
Have looked at the Font object and its properties?

Dim fntFont As StdFont
fntFont.Bold = False
fntFont.Name = "Whatever"
fntFont.Size = 10