View Full Version : [SOLVED:] How to check type of first character in a line

10-31-2013, 06:19 AM
I want to check whether the first charakter in the next line of a text is a number or a letter.
If it is a letter I want to insert a tab before it.

Can anybody give me an example of a suitable macro ?


10-31-2013, 07:50 AM
Sub ScratchMacro()
'A basic Word macro coded by Greg Maxey
Dim oRng As Word.Range
Set oRng = Selection.Bookmarks("\Line").Range
If Not IsNumeric(oRng.Characters.First) Then
oRng.InsertBefore vbTab
End If
End Sub

11-01-2013, 02:54 AM
Sub ScratchMacro()
'A basic Word macro coded by Greg Maxey
Dim oRng As Word.Range
Set oRng = Selection.Bookmarks("\Line").Range
If Not IsNumeric(oRng.Characters.First) Then
oRng.InsertBefore vbTab
End If
End Sub

Thank you very much for your help.
It saved me a lot of time studying the secrets of VBA


11-02-2013, 02:17 AM
Hallo Greg,

may I ask you for some assistance again ?

I have a Word document with 2 rows
I want to do the checking number/letter in each line of both rows.

My problem is :
How to loop through the first row until its end
Then step into the second row and loop to the end of this row.

I can determine the total number of line of the the document, but not the number of lines in each of the two rows
(to use it for looping)

Thank you