View Full Version : Get IE hyperlink from hidden js generated source code

11-20-2013, 09:09 PM
Has anyone figured out how to follow a link that is absent from the source code. At this page:

I'm not allowed to post links so here is long version
trove.nla.gov.au (/) work (/) 27413217?q=9781847246066&c=book

There are 2 editions of the book and I would like to automatically click on one of the editions. Problem is, there is no code for either edition in the source code. So I can’t cycle through the links. Any ideas how to get the hyperlink information? You can see it on the screen but just cant get at it with code...

I want to dump the book information into our school's small library database. Just need to get past this page, onto the next page and I can easily scrape the info I need from there.

I have tried copy screen & parsing the clipboard - problem here is the hyperlink is in the onhover property so when you copy the text it is underneath the text in RTF.

Then pastee RTF into excel then edit the hyperlink, get the string and go back to vba – but that’s a bit messy.

I have attempted to tab through the hyperlinks (using SendKeys {TAB}) to capture the StatusText but I can’t get the SendKeys to work.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

11-21-2013, 12:43 PM
Sounds like they have set up their site to prevent exactly what you are doing.

I am reluctant to help much because you may not have the rights to copy this data.

If it were my project, I would contact them. They may already have a solution for you to get the data you need. IMHO, It never hurts to ask, It is amazing what you get is you just ask.

I live by this: "If you don't ask, the answer is always No."