View Full Version : Migration from Access 2003 to Access 2010

12-06-2013, 12:37 PM
We are migrating from Access 2003 to Access 2010.We are also using the Oracle 11g.
During execution we are getting the following error:

*ODBC direct is no longer supported.
*Convert the code to ADO.

Here When I convert the DAO code to ADO, it works but I don't want to do it as there are many number of modules and it will take much more effort.

Is there any other way,so that the application can work with DAO without changing it to ADO.


01-08-2014, 04:13 AM
DAO is supported and is prefferable lib for data access in A2010.
What is no longer supported it is ODBC Direct
I think in your case you can use ODBC Linked tables and DAO.

01-19-2014, 03:06 PM
When working with ODBC compliment database other that JET/ACE (mdb/accdb) databases you should use ADO directly.

DAO uses the Microsoft Jet database engine to provide a set of data access objects: database objects, tabledef and querydef objects, recordset objects, and others. DAO works best with .mdb and .accdb files like those created by Microsoft Access, but you can also access ODBC data sources through DAO and the Microsoft Jet database engine.

There is an overhead cost when you use DAO. It must pass through the JET/ ACE database engine and translate the DAO to ADO before it can be executed by the ODBC driver. Avoid the JET/ACE layer and DAO to ADO extra overhead by using ADO directly. ADO generally provided better performance because DAO is optimized around the Microsoft Jet database engine

See this MSDN article:
What Are DAO and ODBC? (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/et1kh6d3.aspx)

Note ODBC is a major part of the Microsoft Windows Open Standards Architecture (WOSA). DAO is optimized around the Microsoft Jet database engine, but you can still access ODBC and other external data sources with that engine, and the distinct ODBC API and the MFC classes based on it are still available and still have their role to play in your selection of database tools.