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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] VBA code works in office 2007 not in office 2010(embeds an attachment in excel)

12-30-2013, 03:24 AM
I have a code which works fine in office 2007 but when i move to another machine which has 2010 it doesnt work( actually it dosent show up the image and the label name)
Below is the code working for 2007

Sub Attachment()
Dim filters As String
Dim filename1 As Variant

Sheets.Add.Name = "Attachments"
Sheets("SCR Form").Move Before:=Sheets("Attachments")

' Get the file name.
filename1 = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Select Files(*.xls;*.xlsx;*.pdf;*.doc;*.docx;*.ppt),*.xls;*.xlsx;*.pdf;*.doc;*.doc x;*.ppt", Title:="Select a file")
If filename1 = False Then Exit Sub

' Insert the file.
InsertPicture CStr(filename1), Application.Selection
End Sub

' Insert a picture into a cell.

Sub InsertPicture(filename1 As String, location As Range)
Dim objI As Object
Dim rngI As Range

'For Each rngI In Range("H3:H4")
Sheets("Attachments").Range("A2") = "Attachments Below"
Set myDocument = Sheets("Attachments")
Set objI = Sheets("Attachments").OLEObjects.Add(Filename:=filename1, Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=True, IconFileName:=filename1, IconLabel:=filename1) ', Width:=40, Height:=40)

objI.Top = 30
objI.Left = 5

End Sub

Please suggest what i need to look up for when moving to 2010.
Also i want an option of adding multiple files in my excel.. any suggestions or solution for it??
Thanks in Advance

Bob Phillips
12-30-2013, 05:16 AM
Works for me in 2010. Creates an embedded file with an Excel image in the Attachments sheet.

12-30-2013, 05:26 AM
Thanks for the reply xld.

For some reason at my end i cannot see the image and image label in my PC. also tried in another PC which dosent work either. Could this be something to do with add-in?? or you suspect anything other than this??

Also can you help me in attaching multiple files in the attachments sheet please ??


12-30-2013, 05:42 AM
If you check File-Options-Advanced, and scroll halfway down to the 'Display options for this workbook' section, what do you have selected for the 'For objects show:' option? 'All' or 'Nothing'?

12-30-2013, 05:47 AM
Thanks for reply Aflatoon.

I have "All" selected ...

12-31-2013, 12:20 AM
Hey All,

Please some one help me in fixing my issue?? Also about adding multiple files in the excel sheet...


12-31-2013, 12:38 AM
would we assume that the machine with later office also has later operating system?

Also about adding multiple files in the excel sheet...
change the getopenfilename call to multiselect, last parameter to true

' Insert the files.
for each f in filename1
InsertPicture CStr(f), Application.Selection 'if you use like this each file will be inserted at the same location, change to a dynamic range

change he location to different place for each file, then use that location in the insert picture procedure, as it is already passed as a parameter

12-31-2013, 12:48 AM
In both the machines os is windows xp sp 3. Am really unsure why this is not working.. :(

By using below code i get error "onject dosent support this property or method "

filename1 = Application.MultiSelect(FileFilter:="Select Files(*.xls;*.xlsx;*.doc;*.docx;*.ppt),*.xls;*.xlsx;*.doc;*.docx;*.ppt", Title:="Select a file")

By using the below code i get error "Type Mismatch"

' Insert the files.
For Each f In filename1
InsertPicture CStr(f), Application.Selection 'if you use like this each file will be inserted at the same location, change to a dynamic range

Please suggest how to proceed further...


12-31-2013, 03:48 AM
By using below code i get error "onject dosent support this property or method "
you still have to call getopenfilename same as before, just change the parameter for multiselect to true
pres F1 for help

you need to change application.selection to a valid range, different for each file, i do not know from your example which part is giving type mismatch error
you can not use font and color tags within code tags

while you do not have getopenfilename correct the other is likely to throw an error, as filename1 is not an array until multiselect is used

Bob Phillips
12-31-2013, 04:51 AM
I would suggest you post the full workbook and let us play with it, see if we can reproduce the problem.

jack nt
12-31-2013, 04:52 AM
try this:
options/trust center, click "trust center settings..." and check "enable trust center setting" (at bottom)
with some codes, 2007 not asks but 2010. i met it when change codes when runing.

01-02-2014, 02:07 AM
As per your comment in the forum am sending you the attachment.

Please follow the steps to access the excel sheet

1. When you open the excel "SCR_Liggare.xslm", click NO.
2. Click on the New SCR tab, this would create a new xls sheet
3. In the new xls sheet created, Click to Add Attachments button is available. I want to add multiple files in another tab called "Attachments" if any.

The above shows an icon and icon label in Office 2007 personal PC when i work on Office 2010 PC it isnt shown.

Please help me in fixing this...


Bob Phillips
01-02-2014, 03:27 AM
I had to change the code because it was failing on checking whether any attachments have been selected. I also added a bit of code to stop the attachments overlaying when more than one is selected. That aside, it seems to work

Sub Attachment()
Dim filters As String
Dim filename1 As Variant
Dim f As Variant
Dim idx As Long

Sheets.Add.Name = "Attachments"
Sheets("SCR Form").Move Before:=Sheets("Attachments")

' Get the file name.

'filename1 = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Select Files(*.xls;*.xlsx;*.doc;*.docx;*.ppt),*.xls;*.xlsx;*.doc;*.docx;*.ppt", Title:="Select a file")
filename1 = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Select Files(*.xls;*.xlsx;*.doc;*.docx;*.ppt),*.xls;*.xlsx;*.doc;*.docx;*.ppt", Title:="Select a file", MultiSelect:=True)

If Not IsArray(filename1) Then

If filename1 = False Then

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Exit Sub
End If

' Insert the file.
For Each f In filename1

idx = idx + 1
InsertPicture CStr(f), idx, Application.Selection
End If
End Sub

Sub InsertPicture( _
ByVal filename1 As String, _
ByVal idx As Long, _
ByRef location As Range)
Dim objI As Object
Dim rngI As Range

Sheets("Attachments").Range("A2") = "Attachments Below"
Set myDocument = Sheets("Attachments")

Set objI = Sheets("Attachments").OLEObjects.Add(Filename:=filename1, Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=True, IconFileName:=filename1, IconLabel:=filename1) ', Width:=40, Height:=40)

objI.Top = idx * 30
objI.Left = 5
End Sub

Just tried closing the workbook, and it failed. Not sure what was going on, but it failed on a Left statement as it was using Instr and subtracting one, failed if not found. I also ran out of memory and had to abort excel.

01-02-2014, 03:44 AM
I also ran out of memory and had to abort excel.don't you hate that?
seems strange as the op tells us it is working 2007
i figured whoever wrote the original code intended that location, passed as a range (currently unused) would position each icon in a cell area
also not sure why positioning is not done within the add method

01-02-2014, 04:35 AM

Thanks for the reply. But the code still behaves the same in my PC. i can only attach a single attachment ( but with missing icon and icon label). When i try to attach another files it throws an error 400 and creates antoher tab sheet4.

I was trying to create an attachment tab which holds multiple attachments.

Please suggest what could be done..


01-02-2014, 04:38 AM

the code i mentioned above is not working fine in 2010. In 2007 i can see the image and icon lable which i cant see in 2010 but attaches only single file.
Also tried embedding multiple files but am stuck...


Bob Phillips
01-02-2014, 04:52 AM
That is because you automatically try to add a sheet called Attachments. You should check if it already exists before adding it.

I find it difficult to understand how this code worked it 2007, there are logic and coding errors in it which are not just 2010 problems.

Bob Phillips
01-02-2014, 04:55 AM
This should work better for you

Sub Attachment()
Const SHEET_NAME_ATTACHMENTS As String = "Attachments"
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim filters As String
Dim filename1 As Variant
Dim f As Variant
Dim idx As Long

filename1 = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Select Files(*.xls;*.xlsx;*.doc;*.docx;*.ppt),*.xls;*.xlsx;*.doc;*.docx;*.ppt", Title:="Select a file", MultiSelect:=True)

If Not IsArray(filename1) Then

If filename1 = False Then
Exit Sub
End If

On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
If ws Is Nothing Then

Set ws = Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets("SCR Form"))
End If

For Each f In filename1

idx = idx + 1
InsertPicture CStr(f), ws, idx, Application.Selection
End If
End Sub

Sub InsertPicture( _
ByVal filename1 As String, _
ByRef sh As Worksheet, _
ByVal idx As Long, _
ByRef location As Range)
Dim objI As Object
Dim rngI As Range

sh.Range("A2") = "Attachments Below"

Set objI = sh.OLEObjects.Add(Filename:=filename1, Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=True, IconFileName:=filename1, IconLabel:=filename1) ', Width:=40, Height:=40)

objI.Top = idx * 30
objI.Left = 5
End Sub

01-02-2014, 05:24 AM

This works fine and can take multiple files but are storing at a single location when ever i select multiple files.

I tried this code in 2007 and works perfect but with over lap of the attachments.

I think for some reason the idx is not incrementing its location... any suggestions??


Bob Phillips
01-02-2014, 05:37 AM
It does increment, you can see it where it says idx = idx + 1

It will overlap on a subsequent run, as it doesn't check if any are already there.

You might want to increase the 30 in the line objI.Top = idx * 30 to create a gap between them.

01-02-2014, 05:53 AM
I tried objI.Top = idx * 100 but it changes the position of first attachment and stays the same location for all subsequent adds.

Bob Phillips
01-02-2014, 06:22 AM
Sorry, I am stopping doing anything on this, it messes up my Excel and I have to abort it in the Task manager. Don't need that hassle.

01-03-2014, 05:43 AM
Thank you for all the help xld and sorry for the trouble the excel has given you.

I have a doubt in the code, even though idx = idx +1 is incrementing the value, for every click it is set to 0. so this wouldnt increment the value of idx . Please correct me if am wrong.


01-04-2014, 04:44 AM
for every click it is set to 0.As you only click once for multiple pictures, each picture should be using an increased value
what is the value of idx at the point of moving the icon?
clicking the button again, will of course put the icons over previous icons
you would need to save the position of the last icon, so you can continue, if that is what you want to do

01-05-2014, 12:55 PM
Thanks a lot xld and westconn1.

I have fixed this part. i Have used a this idx value as static and then incremented the value when even a click was made. Works just fine.

Only problem i have now is that i dont see no icon or iconlabels . :crying:

may i need to so some const defining like below

Const pdfIco = "C:\Program Files\icons\pdf.ico"
Const wrdIco = "C:\Program Files\icons\wrd.ico"

and use a switch case to check which file format it is ??

Hope this would get me icon or iconlabel am looking for...

Please suggest me what can be done..


01-07-2014, 05:52 AM
Thanks a lot xld and westconn1.

I have fixed the issues i had...

have hardcoded the icons and used a switch case to read the file extension.

Thanks a lot.