View Full Version : Method to automatically synchronize multiple powerpoints into one master powerpoint?

01-12-2014, 01:09 PM
Hello,Is there any way to automatically add/update the slides of 5-6 different powerpoints into specific sections of a master powerpoint?

For example, let's say I have 3 different pointpoints named: CATS, DOGS, and BUNNIES, and one master powerpoint with three sections: cats, dogs, and bunnies. I'm trying to find something that will automatically update the cats section of the master powerpoint if I make changes to the CATS powerpoint.

Also I'm aware of the new feature on MS 2010 for simultaneous editing of powerpoints (similar to google doc), but I'm looking for alternative methods to using Skydrive or other shared drives.

Thank you so much, and I apologize for any improper use of tech terms :P