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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Grouping not working properly using slicer for pivot data

01-29-2014, 11:37 AM
Hello Everyone!

I took the help of few forum but not getting correct answer. can anyone help me.

In attached sheet, how to display top 2 checks using graph day-wise, month-wise and Quarter-wise through slicer option in Pivot.

The slicer is not working when I used to display checks through month and Quarter. It is working only for day plotting. When I grouped the data to display through month, the day slicer is automatically changed into month, same for quarter

is it possible that three vertical chart will be made using three different slicers for day, month and quarter which I want to use in dashboard.

Thanks in advance

Bob Phillips
01-29-2014, 12:21 PM
If you want to slice by those periods, you have to get them into your pivot. The simplest way is to group dates by Month and Quarter, then you can add slicers for those periods.