View Full Version : Basic code help1!!!

03-04-2014, 12:12 AM
I am a complete noob so at vba so can you help make these psudocode into a vba code thanks.

Public function MostImpPupilID()
Initialise high score to 0
Initialise Low score to 21
Initialise score difference to 0

Connect Pupil and scores tables to recordsets
Find the first pupil in the pupil in the pupil’s recordset with the required year group

If no student found in the year group
Display error message
Loop until no matching pupil in year group found
Find the first result matching the current pupil id
If no student result found
Display error message
Loop until no more result for current pupil is found
If result is higher than the highest sciore
Ser highest score to result
End if
Find next result for the Current pupil
If highest score – lowest score is > previous score difference
Set previous score difference to highest score – lowest score
Set MostImpStudentID to current student ID
Reset highest score to 0
Reset lowest score to 21
End if
End if
Find next pupil in the current year group
End if
End function

Public function BestAvePupilid()
Declare rspupil As Recordset
Declare rsScore As Recodset
Start with the total score value of 0
Start with a counter value of 0
Connect rsPupil to tbl_pupil_information
Connect rsScore to tbl_test_information

Find the first pupil in the rsPupil with the required year group
If no pupil found in the year group
Display error message
Loop until no matching pupils in year group found
Find the first result matching the current pupil id
If no pupil result found
Display error message
Loop until current pupil ID is not found in result
Add test result to total
Add one to counter
End if
Find next result for current pupil
Divide the total score by the counter
If the current average is higher than the previous average
Set the previous average score to the current average
Set BestaAvePupilId to current pupil ID
Reset the total score to 0
Reset the total score to 0
Ed if
Fin the next pupil in the required year group
End if
End function

03-05-2014, 08:19 AM
hey, lightichigo, welcome to VBAX.

I took the VBA Tags out because the formatting algorithm they use requires using at least a semblance to VBA in the "Code".

Here at VBAX, we stress teaching and learning, not "doing for," so I am first going to point you to the place to start.

It's obvious that you understand some programing so I don't think you will need too much.

Variables should be explicitly declared and you can force this by typing "Option Explicit" as the first line of code on any code "Page." You can use the VBA Menu >> Tools >> Options >> Editor and marking "Require Variable Declaration." Personally, have all options checked except drag and drop.

Declaring some variables:

Dim VarA As String
Dim varb As Long
Dim VARC As Object
Dim varD As Variant 'Any of the above

Their initial values are as you would suspect, except for Variants:

VarA = "" 'Empty string
varb = 0 'zero
VARC = Nothing 'A very special object. I think, I warranty will be corrected if wrong
varD = Null 'unassigned

After that, except for objects, a simple assignment for their values:

VarA = "Some String goes here"
varb = 3
Set VARC = Workbooks("Book1") 'A Collection (Object) Item Name
varD = 13 + 29
Set varD = Worksheets(1) 'A Collection Item Index

The easiest way to use help, IMO, is to place the cursor in or adjacent to a VBA word in the Code Pane, and press F1.

To open the VB Editor, press Alt+F11

03-06-2014, 12:03 PM
This looks like it would be better served with a few queries in a macro and zero vba code.