View Full Version : One rate sheet - multiple customers/multiple rates based on the one sheet

04-03-2014, 07:42 AM
My first two posts were in excel and here is my third...Not sure if this is for excel or for access.
currently i have a base rate sheet with cost including taxes and labor burden (some addition and multiplication formulas included in the main sheet)

normally what i do is have this same sheet as above for each customer and the % of Overhead and Profit we charge to that customer

however i am wondering if a can have a sheet or file or whatever that lists our customers out and the % of overhead/profit for them....maybe a column for the year with the % we charge under it.

my base rate sheet changes each year...as the taxes increase as well as the pay and benefits..

however need to keep a record of this base rate for each year and prior years.

normally i have another spreadsheet with three tabs. one tab where i calculate the hours worked by the trade as the base rate sheet is set up in columns of different trades and their rates/benefits.
then tab one transferrs to tab two which is then set up with
trade 1 st then the hours then the rate we charge them
trade 1 ot then the hours then the rate we charge them
trade 1 dt then the hours then the rate we charge them

trade 2 st then the hours then the rate we charge them
trade 2 ot then the hours then the rate we charge them
trade 2 dt then the hours then the rate we charge them

with a total on the hours and the rate.

any suggestions????

Please help....