View Full Version : Problem with Outlook Rule Order/Client Only

04-07-2014, 06:49 AM
Hello everyone,

I hope that everyone is having a good day. I'm sure this is a really easy issue, but I can't seem to find a solution in my testing so I was hoping that someone on here might have a suggestion.

I have 4 reports that are emailed to me every 6 hours (16 reports a day). I created a rule that does a couple of things. It extracts the attachment, saves it in a designated place, marks the email as read, and then deletes it.

This all works really well when my computer is on and Outlook is open. However, I took my computer home some nights/on the weekend and I'll wake up to find 4-8 report emails in my inbox. I know that you can't have Outlook run a script when your machine isn't on, so I created another rule that isn't client only that simply deletes it (since I don't need the reports if I'm not at work). This worked too, but I was getting a problem. I was getting two copies of every email in my deleted items.

So, then I added the "Stop Processing More Rules" thing to the first rule and now when the computer is on, I only get one deleted message and everything is great. However, when my computer/Outlook are off I've returned to getting the emails in my inbox.

So, my current configuration is the Script rule first followed by the non client-only rule, but this is apparently not working.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get these emails deleted without duplicates whether or not Outlook is running?