View Full Version : folder containing Msg file, Extracting senders name , subject on a txt file

04-14-2014, 03:22 AM
Hello ,

i have a folder that is saved on my computer that contains msg files. These were dragged and dropped from an outlook folders . At the moment i can click into the file and they open as messages.

What i like to be able to do is be able to search them better. The message name is the only thing i can search for just now. I like to be able to have some of the information that is contained within this msg files onto a spreadsheet.

i was wondeirng if its possible to take the senders name , subject name , attachment names and data sent and write this to a txt file or excel file..

i have no experience of writing vba in Outlook , but was wondering if this is possible thanks for you time

04-15-2014, 02:56 AM
but was wondering if this is possiblequite possible

loop through all .msg files in some folder, open in outlook, read properties to excel or whatever, close, next message

mypath = "c:\temp\" ' change to suit, note trailing \
set xl = createobject("excel.application")
set sht = xl.workbooks.open(somepath\excelfile.xls).sheets("sheet1") ' change filepath and sheet to suit
rw = sht.cells(sht.rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row + 1 ' get next empty row
mymsg = dir(mypath & "*.msg")
do while len(mymsg) > 0
Set mi = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate(mypath & mymsg)
sht.cells(rw, 1) = mi.subject
sht.cells(rw, 2) = mi.sendername
sht.cells(rw, 3) = mi.senton
' etc. etc for other properties
mi.close oldiscard
mymsg = dir
rw = rw + 1

the example above is to be coded in outlook, with a few changes, could be coded in excel
i did not test the code in whole, so it may contain some errors or typos