View Full Version : How to unarchive Archived emails from Enterprise Vault

04-22-2014, 08:37 AM
I am trying to access over 1000 emails which have been archived by Enterprise Vault and wanted to know whether if its possible to have VBA to;

Open the individual email from a folder and from the File menu, select info and the move item to a different folder.

I need to do this as I need my archived emails and then I can extract them as .PST file.

Your help would be much appreciated.

I am using version 2010.

07-05-2016, 09:24 AM
Hi all,

I am actually trying to achieve the same thing. Maybe somebody could help as I am a noob with VBA in Outlook. The code could would have to the following steps in a loop for each email in my inbox:

1. open the email in a new window (this restores the mail from the vault)
2. select move to a folder (of my choosing)

Simply moving all mails without opening them individually wont do the the trick.

I am using Outlook 2013

Any help would really be appreciated.

cheers and thanks


P.s.: there is also a PDF from the Singapore University describing the steps but I guess you probably get what i want to do (else simply google "Microsoft Outlook 2010 How to restore vaulted emails?" - it should be the first hit (a PDF))

07-05-2016, 06:28 PM
select move to a folder (of my choosing)

Simply moving all mails without opening them individually wont do the the trick.
Don't you have any rules for which folder they go in?