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View Full Version : Compare two workbooks and generate a report for the differences.

05-28-2014, 03:21 PM
Hi All,

I have two workbooks (example: ABC March14 Report and ABC April14 Report), which have indentical tabs names. I want to run a quick SnapShot one page report of the diffrences from March to April. Due to confidential issue, I can not post the sample reports. Can you please help with VBA codes to do somthing like the following:

1- Import ABC March14 report (xls, xlsx, csv, xml, ...)
2- Import ABC April14 report (xls, xlsx, csv, xml,...)
3- Compare all worksheets between the two reports
4- Creating a new workbook call as "Snapshot Report From..(partial of the file names)" (March14 to April14)
5- Copy and paste all the rows and colums of differences (March14 vs. April14) to the Snapshot Report

Greatly appreciate all your helps.

05-30-2014, 09:02 AM
I added sample and hopefully someone will help me out plase!

Hi All,

I have two workbooks (example: ABC March14 Report and ABC April14 Report), which have indentical tabs names. I want to run a quick SnapShot one page report of the diffrences from March to April. Due to confidential issue, I can not post the sample reports. Can you please help with VBA codes to do somthing like the following:

1- Import ABC March14 report (xls, xlsx, csv, xml, ...)
2- Import ABC April14 report (xls, xlsx, csv, xml,...)
3- Compare all worksheets between the two reports
4- Creating a new workbook call as "Snapshot Report From..(partial of the file names)" (March14 to April14)
5- Copy and paste all the rows and colums of differences (March14 vs. April14) to the Snapshot Report

Greatly appreciate all your helps.