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View Full Version : HELP - SUMIF more than 3 conditions + operations in the sum

06-23-2014, 09:44 AM
Dear all,

I’m trying to create an “template” to my workload in excel but I’m stuck in same “multiple conditions wit operations”
In detail:
I have 3 types of projects: NP,CD,2i with different workload/month

NP = New Project TGA → ABVC = 7 month / 1Manager + 1Info
ABVC → ABPT2 = 5 month / 1Manager
ABPT2 → ... = 2 month / 0,5Manager

CD = derivate body TGA → ABVC = 7 month / 0,6Manager + 0,6Info
ABVC → ABPT2 = 6 month / 0,6Manager + 0,6Info

2i = second Indus TGA → ABVC = 7 month / 0,5Manager + 0,5Info
ABVC → ABPT2 = 7 month / 0,25Manager + 0,25Info

for every month I want to calculate the projects sum in each month for Managers and Infos. 2 persons works on a project (for ex. between TGA and ABVC for 7 month works 1Manager + 1Info ....)

I also tried to create a function for this in VBA but doesn't work as I want...:(( can you help me with this one?

thanks in advance!

07-08-2014, 06:13 PM
One approach is to set a loop, and loop through the whole sheet


myrow = 1
do until cells(myrow,1).value = ""
if myManager = "x" and myProject = "y" then myTally = myTally + z

Set multiple if then statements to tally each set of conditions.

A second though - why are you trying to do this in VBA? wouldn't it be easier to use a pivot table?