View Full Version : making text boxes editable in a powerpoint file that was linked to excel

06-24-2014, 09:51 AM

I have run into an issue that I can't figure out how to fix. I have a powerpoint file that contains 125 slides, all of which are linked to excel. Each slide contains a linked chart and also 10+ text boxes with data that also links to excel. This is a file that is updated monthly. After it is updated, I break the links to the data and distribute.

The problem that I am having is that once the links are broken, all of the text boxes become pictures. There is often a need to edit these, and the user has to ungroup the picture to edit the text and it does not ungroup easily (i.e. you have to click on one box at a time, ungroup 3-4x to get at the text, etc.), and is difficult to do when there are hundreds of these text boxes in each file.

I only need to ungroup the text boxes, I do not want to ungroup the charts as they go haywire when they are ungrouped.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!!

Thank you