View Full Version : Combine data from many worksheet into one worksheet

07-21-2014, 08:40 AM
I have below code, but does not work correctly. The problem is when it's run in main worksheet, it doesnt match the correct workbook and it only generates the data in first workbook for all worksheets. Any idea ? THX

Sub HzWb()

Dim bt As Range, r As Long, c As Long
r = 1
c = 8
Range(Cells(r + 1, "A"), Cells(65536, c)).ClearContents
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim FileName As String, wb As Workbook, Erow As Long, fn As String, arr As Variant
FileName = Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\*.xlsm")
Do While FileName <> ""
If FileName <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Erow = Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 1
fn = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & FileName
Set wb = GetObject(fn)
Set sht = wb.Worksheets(1)
arr = sht.Range(sht.Cells(r + 1, "A"), sht.Cells(65536, "B").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 8))
Cells(Erow, "A").Resize(UBound(arr, 1), UBound(arr, 2)) = arr
wb.Close False
End If
FileName = Dir
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

07-22-2014, 08:12 AM
any help