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View Full Version : Moving duplicate and unique values from one sheet to another.

07-22-2014, 09:24 AM
Need some help on this please.

In a workbook on a sheet called Totals (always the last sheet). I need a macro that will search for a value in H. If there is a positive value in H, to add that number to the duplicate row in sheet "qry_BOMCOMPARE_FINAL_OUTPUT" (always the 4th sheet).

The duplicate number will be derived from the Totals sheet column A and the qry_BOMCOMPARE_FINAL_OUTPUT sheet column B. The number being added from column H in the totals sheet should be added to column C in the qry_BOMCOMPARE_FINAL_OUTPUT sheet.

I need the same as above done. But instead of looking for a positive value, looking for a negative value. And instead of going to column C, I would need it in column D.

And with the same rules in regards to Positive in column C, negative in Column D. If the duplicate number is unique. Also copy from the same row. Column A to B. And Column B to A.

In addition. If there are any changes in sheet 4, to have the row that changed highlighted yellow.

I know there are plenty of easier ways to do this if we could change the formatting of the book. But in regards to other areas using the same book with their formatting in place, I cannot change the format of sheet 4 (qry_BOMCOMPARE_FINAL_OUTPUT).

Thank you very much.