View Full Version : Lengthy Entries in a ComboBox

08-08-2014, 02:49 AM
I want to offer a list of possible phrases in a ComboBox.

Some of them are quite long.

Space constraints mean that I want to keep the box and the drop-down list about 25 characters wide, but would like the user to be able to see the whole phrase if he hovers the mouse over the truncated entry.

Can this be done?

If it helps, this is a sample list:

"with whom the child shall live"
"with whom the children shall live"
"whether the child should spend time with the Father"
"whether the children should spend time with the Father"
"whether the child should spend time with the Mother"
"whether the children should spend time with the Mother"
"when the child should spend time with the Father"
"when the children should spend time with the Father"
"when the child should spend time with the Mother"
"when the children should spend time with the Mother"
"whether any contact with the child should be supervised"
"whether any contact with the children should be supervised"
"which school the child should attend"
"which school the children should attend"
"whether the Father's use of drugs and/or alcohol means that children are not safe with him"
"whether the Mother's use of drugs and/or alcohol means that children are not safe with her"



08-08-2014, 07:06 AM
Formcontrol combobox, no.
ActiveX combobox , yes. OnClick Event...cbo.width = 75

Which do you have?

08-09-2014, 12:35 AM
Formcontrol :-(

Thanks for the quick response.
