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View Full Version : What's the best way to create a custom user guide for a workbook?

08-26-2014, 04:19 AM
I have a workbook project nearing the end and I have to create a user guide. I've trying to locate a template/add-in or something to give me an idea of the best way to do this but I haven't found anything solid yet. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to go about this? Should I create a userform and add it to the Ribbon somewhere? Some other method perhaps?


08-26-2014, 04:35 AM
What's the best way to create a custom user guide for a workbook?Depends.

How complicated is the project to use? (How many unique things does it do.)

Will it be used by "sophisticated" users. (.IE. Office workers doing the same old stuff a new way.)

An example worksheet with explanatory notes
A Word Doc
An HTML file with index, multiple pages, and screenshots.
Build in a custom Help system
Create a Windows style Help File.

08-26-2014, 05:07 AM
Not that bad really. It really should only be 4-5 pages at the most. There are only 2-3 different things to do and they aren't complicated.

09-03-2014, 12:07 PM
Does anyone have any suggestions about how to go about this?I tried all kinds and I always end up going back to a standard outline in Word. Jot the steps down and start 'fleshing' it out until I'm satisfied.

Should I create a userform and add it to the Ribbon somewhere? Some other method perhaps?That depends on who is going to use it. At my office, it's a miracle that they show up on time, much less remember Alt-F8, scroll to the macro and press enter. So, I have to Idiot-proof it by adding ribbons and userforms. They can be a pain to setup but so far, it's been worth it.