View Full Version : Referencing a field to another table

09-17-2014, 10:31 PM
I'm fairly new to access and I'm looking for a help from more experienced users on what I think is a simple issue.

I made a field refer to another table, to search for the possible values it can hold.

It is working, but the problem is I can't write directly on the field anymore. When I click on the dropdown icon, the possible values are listed on check boxes, which I have to check each.

Not only this makes the work really tedious, but also tiring. I have to scroll a really long list to find the value I'm searching for. I was looking for the field to autocomple what I was writing.

By the way, the field accept more than one value.

I'd really appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance!

09-18-2014, 02:09 AM
New feature. Never used it, but it seems that's just the way it works.

Sometimes the old ways are still the best.

i.e. create a third table.

1 dog
2 cat
3 bird
4 fish

5 bill
6 bob
7 baz

5 2
5 4
6 1
7 1
7 2
7 4

Then use a query to put it together

bill cat
bill fish
bob dog
baz dog
baz cat
baz fish

09-18-2014, 06:36 AM
Thanks for your sugestion.

If I understood it right, this solution gives more work than what I was trying to run away from.

Let me put it again.

I'm cataloging my comic books. One of the fields is for Artists. There are hundreds of them, sometimes more than one for each issue of an especific comic title.

I'm relating this field Artits to another table, to retrieve its value from it.

The problem is I can't write directly on the field anymore. When I click on the dropdown icon, the possible values are listed on check boxes, which I have to check each.

09-18-2014, 09:36 PM
Just to clarify, I used look up wizard in this field, to search for values in this other table I created.

I noticed that the field is now locked as number, when the bound value is of texts. Don't know if this is causing the problem.

EDIT: The problems happens because it's set to allow more than one value. This forces the checkbox. When restricting it to just one, it lets me type the name directly on the field.

Now I don't think there is a way to store multiple values in this field while being able to type directly in the combo box.