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View Full Version : With 2 sheets, if value not in one sheet AND column C = specific color, copy & Insert

10-30-2014, 08:52 AM
Hello All,

I need help working on a macro that will compare 2 sheets and if a row of data meets 2 specific criterias, i need it to be copied from the Sheet the data exists on and inserted into the other sheet with the Same format.

I have data on 2 worksheets. One sheet named "MySheet" the other named "New Property". I want the macro to check both sheets and find what cells in column A on both sheets are NOT matching. As in, there is a value in column A on "MySheet" that dooes not match any values in column A on "New Property". If they are not matching, I then want it to check what color the cell is highlighted in Column C. If that column C on "MySheet" contains either color (RGB 79, 129, 189) or (RGB 204, 192, 218) in column C, then i want the entire row of data (ranging from columns A:P) to be copied and inserted at the bottom of the last row of data in the Sheet "New Property".

So to sum it up, i want the row to be copied and Inserted from "MySheet" to "New Property" only if it meets the following Criterias:
1. There is a value in "MySheet" column A that does not match a value in column A in "New Property"
2. The cell in Column C in "MySheet" is highlighted with EITHER (RGB 79, 129, 189) OR (RGB 204, 192, 218)

If and only if both criterias are met, then that entire row of data from "MySheet" should be copied and inserted under the last row of data in the sheet "New Property".
Also if these criterias are met and the row of data is copied from one sheet to the other, I then want the cell of column A for all the copied rows to be highlighted (RGB 255, 0, 255)

Please let me know if you have any questions on this oryou need clarification please ask and i will respond as soon as possible.

Thank you for your help! It is greatly Appreciated!!!:bow::clap:
