View Full Version : Macro to Change logo and name through out documents also other minor changes

11-10-2014, 12:54 PM
My company was just bought out and we would like to update all of our SOPs to include the new company name and the new company logo. I was wondering if someone could help with a macro to do this.

Additionally we like the Rev field to be updated to whatever the current rev is to a xxx.ADMIN1. Also, have the current date replace the current typed/revised date. Lastly, have a new page created with some common text saying an administrative change has been made.

I attached a sample document so you can see what I am generally working with. One other interesting thing is that there may be several versions of the past company name. Would it be easier to run multiple Macros or can one Macro change various company names to the new one. There are quite a few documents that I would want to run the Macro on.


11-10-2014, 01:23 PM
What have your tried? When one company buys out another it seems reasonable that part of the plan would include allocating resources to resolves complications like this.

You can use: http://gregmaxey.mvps.org/word_tip_pages/vba_find_and_replace.html to perform find and replace routines on a batch of files, but to do everything on your shopping list you are probably going to need a custom macro.

11-10-2014, 02:55 PM
What about for changing the logo? Is there any way to change the logo? Also what having it add something to every file?

Even if I have to run multiple Macros it would be easier than doing it by hand.