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View Full Version : AHT Calculation

11-21-2014, 01:10 AM

I am new to writing macros. I am learning as I am doing it. I have searched every where for a solution but have not found it. Need help.

I work in a contact center where there are people working in back office - no calls - no avaya.
They process work over the net for queries.

How do I calculate the AHT for the work they do from the time a query is entered in the site box to the time it is saved and submitted.

Can anyone help me with a macro?

Thank you for reading and helping.

11-21-2014, 04:38 AM
Sorry but will need a lot more info than that which you have currently supplied

11-21-2014, 06:08 AM
For something like this, a manual example showing the inputs and the calculations you use and the outputs you want would be the minimum

A small sample workbook with a little data AND your manual calculation is also helpful

The definition or meaning of AHT would be nice

11-27-2014, 02:00 AM
I have people working on various queues.

Following is the format of the daily workbook made.

Queue/ PO # / Pages / Claim Paid / Already Paid / Reject / Reason

these are the columns that they would be filling their response.

based on this cell input the time should be calculated.

Claim Paid / Already Paid / Reject and if reject the Reason for rejection.

They have to enter the po that comes on the net, in an excel file for future reference and also to submit to the AM to show which, how many and what they have done.
I need help in acquiring the exact time in sec. the po is pulled up in the site and the time it is submitted for consideration to pay in excel so that the aht can be calculated. All I have is this data to show nothing more. SORRY

Please help.

Let me ask you if there a way to automatically populate the po in the excel file so that the time it populates can be captured in the 3rd last cell of the same column, the time they hit submit on a different site in the 2nd last cell and the total time to process that query in the last. So it also minimizes the time to copy from 1 site, paste it to excel and the other site where it is to be processed. So that we can lower the time needed.

12-15-2014, 11:49 PM
Thank you all for the help that you gave me in understanding what to do. I have completed the project where I am able to collect the AHT from user input.

Now I am trying to find a way to automatically populate the po in the excel file so that the time it populates can be captured.

12-16-2014, 11:08 AM
Please correct me if wrong. In the back office...

Person looks at Queue. Then works with something on company intranet (Not on WWW Internet) to see PO# for that queue number.
Person manually enters the found PO# in Excel
The person does something to see at one place on screen amount paid
person views at different place place on screen the claim is fully paid
the person finds at other different place place on screen the claim was Rejected
at last place on screen, the person sees Reason Rejected
the person manually enters data in excel

NOW the person is finished with that queue and works with the next queue.

You want for the person to click on Excel cell with Queue number, THEN Excel works with something on company intranet (Not on WWW Internet) to see PO# for that queue number.

12-16-2014, 11:48 AM
over the internet they are able to see the po. collect it paste it in xcell n work on intra. based on the info provided they have to pay or reject by giving reason. they also have to check if it was already paid. n submit.

12-16-2014, 12:39 PM
Please to be more verbose answers. It helps with understanding.

01-12-2015, 02:12 AM
Sorry for not writing or responding sooner. had some medical problem. coming back to what is needed:
SamT am using your same verbatim with a little corrections.

Person selects a Queue to work on. Then works with something on company intranet (Not on WWW Internet) to see PO# for that queue number.
Person manually enters the found PO# in Excel
the person opens the same po# on the internet to check the records and if it can be paid as asked or if there is some less amount to be paid or more.
based on this information this person is the one who has to decide if it is paid, to be paid or rejected, giving reason for rejection.
He also has to check if it has been resubmitted. if resubmitted has to check earlier notes and see if based on the new data provided can it be paid.
Then he clicks SUBMIT for it to be saved.
he makes a note of his response in excel.
NOW the person is finished with that PO and has to copy the new PO that populates the intranet application..
I am searching for options to get this PO to automatically populate in excel along with the time it populates and the time it is submitted on the internet. Both times in separate columns and time required for the entire operation in third.

02-11-2015, 03:12 AM
for my reference

02-14-2015, 07:06 AM
Sorry, I am only here today to say I won't be here for a while.
Good luck.

03-03-2015, 07:10 PM