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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] excel functions regarding text entries

12-07-2014, 03:25 PM
I need a formula/function that identifies part numbers that end in "-H".
IF it ends in "-H" I need it to put HILO in particular column.
Once it has the HILO location, I need it to EDIT the Part number to Remove the "-H" at the end so that it is the part number without "-H" at the end. This edited part number is to be entered in a particular column.

Using MS Office 365 on WIN 7
Multi column list of part numbers (30,000+):(

Please send me help as soon as possible: pray2:

12-07-2014, 06:10 PM
This formulas in a particular column
Then Copy that column and in that column PasteSpecial >> Values

Then in a particular column
Then Copy that column and in that column PasteSpecial >> Values
Then Select that column and Ctrl+H >> Find What = -H, Replace With = empty

12-07-2014, 08:05 PM
I am converting a large list of parts from QuickBooks to FishBowl Inventory via CSV files.
In QB: Parts located in HILO have a "-H" on the end of the part number. If there's no "-H" at the end, then it is in KONA
In FB, we will be using the LOCATION fields to identify Hilo vs Kona, so I don't want to load the "-H" part numbers into FishBowl. I do, however, have QUANTITY values for each location and I don't want to lose those.
I'm asking this question because I think I need to first ID all parts with a "-H" and label them as HILO location Group. Default others to KONA Location Group.
Next I have to book the quantities, and I need it to give me HILO quantity of a Part Number that no longer has "-H" on the end (but it is identifiable as Hilo since the first step caused HILO to be input for Location Group)
If you have a simpler way to get there, I'd love to know how.
THANKS in advance for your help

12-08-2014, 02:12 AM
Thank you SamT. I was able to use those on a test file successfully.. tomorrow will do the big file.
thanks much, really appreciate it

12-08-2014, 04:42 AM

From your last post:

To put the Location in a particular column and leave all the part numbers in the original column:
This formula in the Location Column cells.

Hint: If you already have the originally suggested in place, Ctrl + H the column >> Find What = "", Replace With = "KONA"
You might have to first use the Menu: Tools >> Options >> View tab >> Window Options >> Formulas

Since you will Save-As = .csv, you don't need to: "Then Copy that column and in that column PasteSpecial >> Values."

With the Part number Column:
Select the column and Ctrl+H >> Find What = -H, Replace With = leave empty.

12-08-2014, 12:19 PM
Aloha Sam
I can't thank you enough for your help with this problem. I will keep this site on my #1 list as I run into Excel needs on a somewhat regular basis.
Mahalo Nui Loa SamT (Thanks very much in Hawaiian!)
Have a fabulous week