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View Full Version : Remove line breaks

12-09-2014, 09:19 AM

I'm trying to load the attached csv file to excel with vba, but there are hidden page breaks that split the rows. How can I load file so that the page breaks are removed?

Thank you for your help.

12-16-2014, 12:16 PM

What are you expecting as the result..? it is not clear to me.

For example.. if you use:

x = Replace(Join(Application.Transpose(Range("A1").CurrentRegion), Chr(12)), Chr(12), "|")

You will see a string that has all your Page Breaks replaced with the Pipe character.. and that there was a Page break after each cell.. so which ones are the hidden ones that you want removed..?

12-23-2014, 12:48 AM
The page breaks that are in the line end should remain, but those that are inside the row (excel misinterprets them to page breaks) should be removed.