View Full Version : Is there any events which fire after links are updated in PowerPoint?

12-18-2014, 04:46 AM
I have a presentation which contains several "Linked Macro-Enabled Worksheet Objects", that is several charts which are linked to some Excel sheets. Now, the updating and everything else works fine, the problem is that on some computers the charts get resized after they are updated. So, I wondered if there are any events which fire when an object is updated, which I can use to trigger a macro to reset the size of the graphs. I had a look here (http://officeone.mvps.org/vba/events_version.html), and thought AfterShapeSizeChange might do the trick, I think msoLinkedOLEObject (which is what I've found out PowerPoint refers to the graphs as) is part of the Shapes collection?

However, I've not gotten round to trying this out as I'm also a bit unsure of where I should insert the event-handling, as I'm not very familiar with VBA in PowerPoint. Do I have to create a separate event-handler?