View Full Version : PowerPoint VBA add-in - adding to Quick Access Toolbar

12-22-2014, 07:31 AM
Hi all,

I have been working on an add-in with some short-cuts for PowerPoint 2010.
For this, I am able to make the add-in "tab" so that I can access my macros from PowerPoint after installing the add-in.
However, I cannot add the macros to my Quick Access Toolbar, or otherwise create shortcuts.

Is there any way to make PowerPoint macros in an add-in that I can then access via my Quick Access Toolbar in PowerPoint?

Best regards,


12-23-2014, 12:07 PM
I have a Hossler.ppam which added a new tab with Groups and macros

Options, QAT, and Select Commands From ... <your tab>. Then [Add >>]

John Wilson
12-29-2014, 06:24 AM
If your buttons are in the addins tab it suggests you are using legacy vba to create it. You need to research RibbonX XML which will allow you to add custom Tabs or add to Existing Tabs. There's a very simple page on our site to get you started. http://www.pptalchemy.co.uk/custom_UI.html