View Full Version : form with subform and narrowing down multiple queries

01-14-2015, 04:39 PM
I apologize for the long post. I am not sure what all information is needed to help me and I don't want to leave anything out that may be important. Any information helps. tips ideas step by step instructions. :) anything and everything lol
I am using access 2013.
I have a table that includes all employee information.
I have queries set up to pull certain types of information.
I am creating a search form but am having some trouble getting it set up.

My First and Main concern:
On my search form I would like textbox for First name, Last name and employee number. (so a box where you can enter your search criteria)

Then I would like a dropdown menu box that has options for contact, emergency, personal, company and timesheet.

And I think I will need a "search" button to bring up the data I am looking for.

Now I can set all of those up to go along with my queries for each option of the dropdown menu but when I click the button it will bring up the query in a new tab. What I am hoping to do is bring up the information from a query on the same form that enters the search criteria. I know this is possible with a subform (I think) but I have not figured out how.

Secondary less important issue:
My table includes all employee information. I have a query set up for each type of information. For example I have one that just shows contact info, one for emergency, one for personal, one for company. Right now my search button will open the correct query based off of the selection made from the corresponding drop down menu. The navigation pane looks very messy though with so many queries. Is it normal for a data base to have a lot of those created? or is there a way I can set up one query with all info to just show certain columns based on the dropdown menu?

Thank you in advance for anything you can help me with.